
EEE523 Honour Code Submission

Please note that the submission date for the EEE523 Honour code is imminent (30th May 2018). Download the course pack, print the last page and submit to me by the deadline.

EEE206 Online Exam

A part of the EEE206 Examination will be done online. To this effect an invitation has been sent from the online platform ( to the email addresses of students which we have in our records. If you have not received this email, please fill the form at the link below.

EEE521 Assignment 1 Submission

EEE521 first assignment is to be submitted via . To do this, you need to have a classjump account and must be "registered" for EEE521 on . Follow the following steps to create your account and register for EEE521.

EEE308 Assignment Submissions

To make your submissions, you will be creating an account at . To do this, go to and click on the "register for class" button beside "EEE308 - Digital System Analysis and Design". You will receive a confirmation email which you can use to confirm your account. Next, go to the "My Documents" section of your ClassJump account and upload your assignments there.

EEE518 - Logistic Regression Model

I've updated the logistic regression model we wrote in class to the course's Google Drive folder. You can use the m-file with lgrData.mat and lgrData2.mat. Just remember to choose the desired data file in the m-file when running it.

I should have the assignment up on this site by Saturday, 12th April 2014.

EEE308 Grouping for Group Assignment

I'll distribute the EEE308 grouping for the assignment on of before Tuesday at our test. I don't think it is appropriate to put up the grouping file here as this is a public site and I don't think you would much appreciate me putting up your "private" details online.

EEE308 First Assignment

The first assignment for EEE308 is now live. Submission date is Tuesday, 14th January 2014.

Preparation for Exams

Hello all,

Please pick up your scripts for the second test from the course reps for EEE401 and EEE521 respectively.

I hear there is some 'slight panic' in the camp in preparations for these exams (particularly in the 521 camp). There is no cause to worry (there never is). While I am not suggesting that the exam will be easier than the tests, I believe the tests have amply prepared you for the type of questions you will be facing in the exam. Like I mentioned in class, you will be required to do some 'figuring out' of things.

For EEE521, what I suggest is this:

Solution to EEE401 Second Test

I've uploaded the solutions to the EEE401 second test. You will find this on the course materials page of the EEE401 page (of you can just click here to go to the google drive folder where the solution is).

Second Tests

Please check my calendar for date and times of the second tests for EEE521 and EEE401.

EEE401 Assignment 4

The assignment is due at the start of class on Wednesday, 8th May, 2013.

Q1. Given that x is an eigenvector of A, show mathematically whether or not  x is also an eigenvector of 2A.

Q2. Given that x is an eigenvector of A and y is an eigenvector of B, show mathematically whether or not xy is an eigenvector of AB.

EEE401 Past Questions

I have uploaded the past questions and tests a google driver folder which you can access by clicking here.

EEE521 Lecture Notes Update

I just updated the lecture notes for EEE521. Check the course materials page for this.

You might also want to consider taking a look at the following document:[1].pdf

EEE521 Second Assignment

The second assignment is the solution of all the problems in on sheets 10 and 11 of "Reading Assignment 2.pdf" apart from question 8 since question 8 does not have a clear diagram. You can download the reading assignment from the course materials page.

EEE310 Past Questions

The past questions and solutions of exams for the past 3 sessions are now on the course's website .