Preparation for Exams

Hello all,

Please pick up your scripts for the second test from the course reps for EEE401 and EEE521 respectively.

I hear there is some 'slight panic' in the camp in preparations for these exams (particularly in the 521 camp). There is no cause to worry (there never is). While I am not suggesting that the exam will be easier than the tests, I believe the tests have amply prepared you for the type of questions you will be facing in the exam. Like I mentioned in class, you will be required to do some 'figuring out' of things.

For EEE521, what I suggest is this:

  1. My most important advice is that you come into the exams relaxed. I believe that everything you need has been taught to you. What I will be trying to do in the exam is to dip into your mind and pull out the answers which you have internalized and not just things crammed up at the last minute. Hence, the answers are already in you.
  2. Following from #1 above, it will be advisable to go through the lecture notes and each of the lecture slides. This will refresh the seeds and water the seeds planted in you mind during the lectures.
  3. Relax and bring your intellect along to the exam hall, ready to figure out solutions to problems.
  4. Do not fear the course. The fact that OAU gave you admission means that you are good enough to get an A in the course.

For EEE401, what I suggest is this:

  1. Try your hand out on questions in each of the cases
  2. Understand each method i.e. what the solution is and what it means (I found it ridiculous that in the second test, some were saying that with "Broyden's method, we seek a non-trivial solution because eigenvectors are non-trivial").
  3. Understand why we use a particular method and not another.
  4. Do not fear the course. The fact that OAU gave you admission means that you are good enough to get an A in the course.

I wish you the very best.