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Adeyemi, BA.  2009.  Gender Differences in Students’ Perception: A paradox for Curriculum Review. International Journal of Applied Psychology and Human Performance. 5:825–835.
Adeyemi, BA, O. OJ.  2009.  Home Environment as a Precusor for Effective Learning. International Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education (Special Edition) . :39–44.
Adeyemi, BA, Adediran VO.  2009.  Issues and Trends in Nigerian Educational System. Principles and Practice of Education. , Ile-Ife: Obafemi Awolowo University Press Ltd
Adeyemi, BA.  2009.  Locus of Control and Students’ achievement in Social Studies in Osun State, Nigeria. International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. :007159–007166.., Madrid, Spain
Popoola, BI, Adeyemi BA.  2009.  The Prevalence of Sexual Abuse in two communities in Southwestern Nigeria.. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. 4(1):125–138.
Jegede, PO, Adeyemi BA.  2009.  Purpose and Methods of Assessment in the Classroom. Principles and Practice of Education. , Ile-Ife: Obafemi Awolowo University Press Ltd
Adeyemi, BA.  2009.  Students’ Self Concept, attitude and achievement in Social Studies in Junior Secondary Schools in Southwestern, Nigeria. International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. :004087–004094., Madrid, Spain
Adeyemi, BA.  2008.  Effect of Cooperative Learning and Problem-solving strategies on Junior Secondary School Students’ Achievement in Social Studies.. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology. 6(3):691–708.
Adeyemi, BA.  2008.  The Efficacy of Peer tutoring as an effective mode of instruction in Social Studies. Journal of Sociology and Education in Africa. 7(1):149–160.
Adegbile, JA, Adeyemi BA.  2008.  Enhancing Quality Assurance through Teachers’ Effectiveness. Educational Research and Review. 3(2):61–65.
Falade, DA, A. AB.  2008.  Human Right Education and the sustenance of Democracy in Nigeria.. International Journal of Educational Research and Administration.. 5(2):101–105.
  2008.  Impact of Professional Development on Teachers’ Efficiency in Social Studies Teaching in Osun State, Nigeria. 3rd World Assembly of the International Council on Education for Teaching. :27-31., University of Minho, Braga Portugal
Adeyemi, BA, Oribabor OA.  2008.  Influence of Globalization on Nigerian Educational System.. International Journal of Applied Psychology and Human Performance (IJAPHP). 4:699–706.
Adegbile, JA, Adeyemi BA.  2008.  Influence of Large Class on Academic Performance of Students in a tertiary institution of Osun State. Journal of Applied Education and Vocational Research. 5(2):222–233.
Adegbile, JA, Adeyemi BA.  2008.  Influence of Teacher Quality Variables on Nigerian Primary School Pupils’ Achievement in English Language.. African Symposium. A Publication of African Educational Research Network. 8(2):108–115.
Adeyemi, BA.  2008.  Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the Teaching and Learning of Social Studies.. Society for Information. Technology and Teacher Education International Conference. :4846-4853.
Adeyemi, BA.  2008.  Negligence of the Aged: A syndrome in Nigeria Context. CFR Conference” Families and aging in global perspective”. , Lasell College, Boston, USA
Adeyemi, BA, Ogundeji AA.  2007.  Environmental Sustainability: An Index for National Development. Journal of Environmental Research and Policies. 2(1):101-104.
Adeyemi, BA.  2007.  Learning Social Studies through Mastery Approach. Educational Research and Review. 2(4):60–63.
A.D.O., A, A. AB.  2007.  Teaching to achieve Social Studies Values: A case of re-education of teachers. DETA Distance Education and Teachers’ Training Conference. , Makere University Uganda
Adeyemi, BA, Ajogbeje AA.  2006.  Revatilizing Decayed Educational System through Instructional Technology. African Journal of Historical Sciences in Education. 2(1):40-51.
Adesina, ADO, Adeyemi BA.  2005.  The Collapse of Societal Norms: The role of Teachers. Evaluation in Theory and Practices. , Ibadan: Pen Services
Adesina, ADO, Adeyemi BA.  2005.  Colonialism, Globalization and Poverty in Nigeria: An Overview. Nigeria Journal of Social Studies. 8(1 & 2):152–165.
Adeyemi, BA.  2005.  The Development of Distance Higher Education in Nigeria. African Journal of Historical Sciences in Education. 1(2):54-63.
Adesina, ADO, Adeyemi BA.  2005.  The Place of Social Studies in Peace Education Programme in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Social Studies. 8(1 & 2):105-114.