Coastal Urban Development and Temperature Variation in Eti-Osa, Nigeria

Agboola, A, Jegede MO, Ayanla A.  2017.  Coastal Urban Development and Temperature Variation in Eti-Osa, Nigeria. Journal of Meteorology and Climate Science . 15(1):45-47,NigerianMeteorologicalSociety,Nigeria..


This study examined the potential environmental impacts of coastal urban development and the resultant urban thermal changes in Eti-Osa, Lagos between 1984 and 2014. Multi-date Landsat images were used for the spatio-temporal change in the land use over time, while the topographic map and the ASTER image were used to generate the Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Supervised classification method was used to establish rate of urban expansion in the study area. The urban heat pattern variation analysis was performed after the surface temperature data were extracted from the band 6 of each Landsat imageries of the three observed years (1999, 2006 and 2014), using Idrisi Selva 17 software package. The results showed that as built-up areas spread east wards, the riparian forest has been declining from 24.57% area cover in 1984, drastically to 3.75% in 2014. The major reason for this might be because the high density built-up increased from 2.38% in 1984 to 14.19% in 2014 and the light density built-up increased from 5.51% in 1984 to 13.42% over the same period. The implication of increasing built-up areas is obvious on the patterns of heat in the study area. There were observed changes in thermal pattern over time, cutting across both land and the sea surfaces. It was observed that the built-up areas exhibit the highest temperature while the natural vegetation and water body had the lowest temperature.